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With 4 GPS receivers located in the equatorial anomaly region in southeast China, this paper proposes a grid-based algorithm to determine the GPS satellites and receivers biases, and at the same time to derive the total electron content (TEC) with time resolution of 15 min and spatial resolution of 1° by 3.5° in latitude and longitude. By assuming that the TEC is identical at any point within a given grid block and the biases do not vary within a day, the algorithm arranges unknown biases and TECs with slant path TEC from the 4 receivers’ observations into a set of equations. Then the instrumental biases and the TECs are determined by using the least squares fitting technique. The performance of the method is examined by applying it to the GPS receiver chain observations selected from 16 geomagnetically quiet days in four seasons of 2006. It is found that the fitting agrees with the data very well, with goodness of fit ranging from 0.452 TECU to 1.914 TECU. Having a mean of 0.9 ns, the standard deviations for most of the GPS satellite biases are less than 1.0 ns for the 16 days. The GPS receiver biases are more stable than that of the GPS satellites. The standard deviation in the 4 receiver bias is from 0.370 ns to 0.855 ns, with a mean of 0.5 ns. Moreover, the instrumental biases are highly correlated with those derived from CODE and JPL with independent methods. The typical precision of the derived TEC is 5 TECU by a conservative estimation. These results indicate that the proposed algorithm is valid and qualified for small scale GPS network.  相似文献   
基于随机网络编码的无线报文重传最优策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络编码技术为无线报文重传问题研究提供了新思路.分析并证明了完全无线报文重传问题最优策略所需重传报文数量等于节点请求报文数量的最大值;基于随机网络编码技术提出了最优重传策略RNCOPT(Random Network Coding based OPTimal Scheme),其编码系数从某选定有限域中随机选取(0除外);利用网络编码矩阵重新生成机制以保证100%解码成功率;描述了RNCOPT组合报文结构及发送节点操作过程.仿真表明:当接收节点数量为30而报文总数为30时,RNCOPT相对于传统非网络编码方案节省重传报文数量可达32%,而此时现有某典型策略CliqueNC却无明显效果.  相似文献   
采用真空感应磁悬浮熔炼合金、重力浇注入室温石墨模具的方法,分别制备了Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb,Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.8B和Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb-0.1C 3种名义成分的铸锭.对铸锭进行成分分析并利用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对铸锭的铸造收缩缺陷和组织进行分析.结果表明:Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb合金铸锭有很强的柱状晶生长趋势,在轴线附近区域形成分散的缩松;加入0.8%B(原子分数)后,铸锭的组织得到细化,并削弱了柱状晶生长趋势,收缩缺陷分布集中以大缩孔方式存在,显微缩松的密度和尺寸均降低.添加0.1%C(原子分数)后,铸锭的组织和缩孔缩松与Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb比均无明显变化.  相似文献   
This paper describes the scientific objectives and payloads of Tianwen-1, China’s first exploration mission to Mars. An orbiter, carrying a lander and a rover, lifted-off in July 2020 for a journey to Mars where it should arrive in February 2021. A suite of 13 scientific payloads, for in-situ and remote sensing, autonomously commanded by integrated payload controllers and mounted on the orbiter and the rover will study the magnetosphere and ionosphere of Mars and the relation with the solar wind, the atmosphere, surface and subsurface of the planet, looking at the topography, composition and structure and in particular for subsurface ice. The mission will also investigate Mars climate history. It is expected that Tianwen-1 will contribute significantly to advance our scientific knowledge of Mars.  相似文献   
利用三维多谱勒激光测速仪,对悬停状态下模型旋翼桨叶附近的流场进行了实验测量。研究了悬停状态下桨盘附近的流场特征、旋翼桨尖涡的形成和发展,以及桨尖涡对后续桨叶的影响  相似文献   
系统可靠性预测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了系统可靠性预测的主要方法,对它们各自的优缺点和适用范围进行了系统的介绍了评论。在此基础上,提出一些新的可靠性预测方法,并对新方法的合理性进行了论证。  相似文献   
波瓣喷管引射器具有高效的引射掺混特性。非轴对称波瓣喷管引射器的引射特性与轴对称波瓣喷管引射器有所不同。本文对六波瓣的非轴对称喷管引射器进行了一系列的实验,研究了该引射器的引射流量比与主流温度的关系,混合管动量修正系数及其工作特性曲线。最后通过分析得出了与实验数据基本符合的理论工作特性关系式  相似文献   
有机高分子絮凝剂处理高浊度原水效果和机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了有机高分子絮凝剂PAM、CTAB及它们的复配PAM+CTAB处理高浊度原水的最佳实验条件、絮凝性能、效果和机理,为有机高分子絮凝剂的选择和管式絮凝器的研制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
转捩对管内流动和换热有很大影响,N.T.Obot曾在总结归纳圆管、矩形管、三角形管和环形管实验结果的基础上提出对比态定律,并断言:对任意截面管道,只要知道临界摩擦因子和临界雷诺数,根据对比态定律,就可以计算其流动和平均换热特性。本文通过对复杂截面通道流动的研究,指出管流转捩的对比态定律只适用于单一流态管流,而不适用于层、紊流并存管流,文中还分析了层、紊流并存现象及其产生的原因,它的起始点和终止点的判定,以及流动和换热特性计算的处理方法。  相似文献   
本文提出一种采用解析的直线单元计算受有离心力的二维问题的边界元法,推导了相应直线单元的积分解析式。算例表明,本文方法能获得较高的数值精度,尤其在计算靠近边界的内点应力时,效果更好。  相似文献   
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